Saasu doesn’t automatically charge credit card fees if that is the chosen payment method. Here are a couple of ways you can recover credit card charges by billing your customers for them in Saasu.
Gross up the Sale price of Items or Services you invoice
Sometimes just charging that little bit more will cover this if the majority of your customers are paying by credit card anyway. if for example you charge $49 for a product it could be as simple at charging $49.90 to recover a big portion of that fee. i.e. this would be 1.84% of the fee recovered.
- Find out the rate your merchant charges you.
- Edit your Items Sale prices up by that rate.
- Optional: Set your Contacts who don’t pay by credit card to receive a discount at the merchant percentage rate you get charged. To do this use the discount field in their Saasu contact record -or- you can also apply a discount at checkout. You might also include a line in your invoice template stating that the discount is subject to payment by direct deposit or other (non credit card) method.
NOTE: Under this approach you may wish to offer a discount for paying by EFT or other no-fee payment method.
Charge the Fees as an Invoice Line Item
In this method we know the customer will be using a credit card to pay
- Create an Item as follows:
Note: we are creating an Item for the card fees with no $ value assigned to it because you will need to enter this basis transaction size.Item Code Item Description Item Amount CF Credit Card Fee — leave blank — - When you create a Sale calculate your 2% fee and add an line item to the invoice for it:
Item Code Item Description Item Amount ABC ABC Widget 100.00 CCF Credit Card Fee 2.00 Total 102.00