The SGC rate for Payroll automatically updates.
For pays dated on or after 1st July 2022 the rate is 10.5%
If you created custom Pay Items for managing SGC Superannuation you will need to update the rate yourself.
If after 1st July 2022 you need to enter a pay dated on or before 30 June 2022 then Saasu will use the old 10% rate. That is, Saasu is sensitive to the pay date you enter.
If you would like to check that you have it updating automatically:
- Go to Setting (Cog Icon) and then click Settings for this File.
- Scroll down the page to the Payroll Section and click Manage Pay Items.
- Open the Pay Item called Superannuation Guarantee Contribution (SGC).
- You should see Variable Superannuation Guarantee Charge is selected.
- Below that Yes this pay item is used for superannuation amounts should be ticked and the picklist should read Superannuation Guarantee