New Sales/Purchase screens are launching September (previously August).
And yes the project will end up costing a Steve Austin ($6 million over 4 years)
The new online accounting Saasu Sales and Purchase screens will be available in September as a Beta to our customers. You will still be able to use the old screens. Some highlight benefits of our new approach include:
- Cleaner Contact selection and Tagging mechanisms.
- Cleaner and easier Account Code search. Type electricity and you get electricity not expenses.
- Save action above the bottom of your screen.
- Substantial improvements to the usability and load time of screens (facilitated by shifting our infrastructure to Amazon Web Services in Sydney – completion expected August).
- The new look and feel of screens will “feel” different. They use React Framework (what Facebook uses) and Material UI (what Google uses). Note that this doesn’t mean our screens will look like Facebook or Google. It has our own flavour.
- Utilises the screen size you specifically use. This facilitates tablets, mobile devices and large screens.
- Significant security enhancements. Cybersecurity is at No 1 on our risk waterfall at Saasu at all times.
- Upgraded online accounting Database Management System for performance.
Most initiatives are driven by your fantastic feedback delivered to service@saasu.com over the years. We reviewed and mined that wealth of experience and knowledge you have. Plus, we looked at what customers said who have left us (with all humility).
The upgrade (what the industry calls refactoring) was keenly desired by management, design and engineering teams. We all wanted to update Saasu to what we think is one of the best system design approaches in the industry. React web framework by Facebook, Materials Design User Interface by Google and cloud hosting by Amazon Web Services. We were delayed by a few years due to major security upgrades, Superstream, Single Touch Payroll and the closure of our foreign country businesses to dedicate ourselves to Australia. That’s all done. The New Saasu is our priority.
Released in the last 6 months:
- Timesheets can be deleted successfully when the pay run they were paid from has been deleted.
- Attachments, images and logos have been moved from Rackspace to Amazon Web Services.
- Various STP fixes and upgrades for the 2020 financial year end.
- Import chart of accounts from Xero. We see people moving to Saasu’s $15 plan and wanted to make sure this is easy.
- Multiple B and C tier security fixes driven by our bug bounty program.
- FY 20/21 PAYGW updates.
All feedback welcome via service@saasu.com. Our new design is highly flexible for our developers and will evolve it into the final beta version to be released in September.
Thanks for your business!