If you have received interest from a financial institution such as a bank, there are several ways to record the transaction in Saasu.
Journal Transaction
- Click the Add > Journal in the main menu to load the Journal entry screen.
- Enter the transaction date and a brief summary of the transaction (eg Interest from Bank XYZ).
- Add the following line items to represent the two entries required to capture the $20.00 interest received:
Account Tax Code Debit Credit Asset: Bank XYZ A/c — No Tax Code — 20.00 Other Income: Interest Received* (choose tax code for your zone) 20.00 - Save the transaction.
Sales Invoice
- Click the Add > Sale from the main menu.
- Enter the date and the Contact to be your financial institution.
- For Invoice line items select the Style to be “Service”
- Enter the Description to be Interest Received
- Select the account to be Expense: Interest Received or Other Expense:Interest Received (It will depend on your advisors preference for this).
- Select the appropriate tax code for your zone.
- In the Payment enter the date the money was received and choose the bank account it was received into.
- Save the transaction.