Sometimes you may think you have lost a transaction you have entered. Here are the main reasons people can’t find what they’re after:
- You have entered the incorrect year – It’s a new year and you accidentally keep using the old year.
- You have entered the sale as a quote or order so it’s not displaying in the transaction lists. This is usually because the filter for the list needs to be Quotes, Orders and Sales.
- You click Duplicate before you save the transaction you have just entered – This overwrites the unfinished transaction data.
- You edit an old transaction as though it’s a new one. For example, you might load an old transaction with the intention of duplicating it. Then you forget you’ve done this and start typing over details for the new transaction.
- You have entered them in the wrong file.
Using Search to find transactions
The Search function in Saasu can be very useful in finding missing transactions. You will find the Search box in the top right hand side of any screen in the Saasu application. You can search for transactions with the following information:
- the invoice #
- the purchase order number
- the contact (first name, last name, email, company name)
- the summary on the transaction
How do I find a transaction if I have done all of the above?
The best way is to run the list of transactions for the maximum filter set, preferably for the contact in question. For example, you can list all Quotes, Orders and Sales for the required contact from 01Jan1900 – 01Dec2100. This will catch most of their transactions.
Another approach is to run a Contact Statement report for the contact you would have used for a large date range to see if there are any outlier transactions where you may have entered the transaction dates incorrectly.