Accounting (Methods)
GST Accounting
Specify whether you are registered for Cash or Accrual report for the Business Activity Statements (BAS).
BAS Reporting
Specify which set of tax codes you will be using – Simple BAS, Full BAS or All Tax Codes. You can change between these options should circumstances in your business change. More details about these options.
Accounting Period
Warn/Lock transactions for a date period
It is important that you don’t accidentally change transactions that have already been reported to external parties.
If you would like to be warned if you are adding or changing a transaction that occurred before a certain date (e.g. the date you submitted your end of financial year), you can enter the date here.
If you do not want to be warned, just leave the field blank.
The second date for transactions ‘after’ a certain date has been provided to allow only entry within a fixed date range. It is also useful in preventing typing errors resulting in transaction being entered as 2007 instead of 2017 as an example.
These settings are for all Users for your File (not all files in your Subscription if you have many businesses).
To prevent Users unlocking the period you need to have a User Role assigned to the people you don’t want making any changes that doesn’t allow them to change the Settings area.
Transaction Defaults
Use today’s date for adding transactions
You can check the box that says ‘Use today’s date when adding transactions’ if you would like all new transaction to have today’s date entered by default. Where you are mostly entering transactions historically it is best to leave this unchecked.
Contact Display
Show contacts in your preferred format. This format will be used in transaction screens, reports and contact lists.
Multi-currency On
Lets you enter Sales and Purchases in foreign currencies
Display All Currencies
Will display dozens of lessor known and used currencies beyond the common currencies.
Trading Terms
The information entered in these default fields will be applied to all contacts. If you want to override the default for a specific contact then you can enter specific trading terms on the individual contact record.
Report Options
When you are in a report and you want to edit a transaction you can click on the icon and it will load that transaction. When you close (or save and close) the transaction Saasu will send you back to the report you came from automatically. You can change this behaviour by changing this setting to ‘Show Report Options Every Time’. This setting will send you back to the report filters screen before running the report. This gives you a chance to change the settings before the report runs to reduce load time.
Sales and Purchases
Default Invoice Layout
When adding a new Sale or Purchase you can default to the layout you would like to see each time. Choose either:
Service – Description, Account, Tax Code, Amount
Item – Quantity, Item, Description, Tax Code, Unit Price, % Disc, Line Total
You can set Saasu to auto-number Purchases or Sales by checking the Enable invoice auto-numbering. A Prefix can be appended to the front of each number if required. e.g. “2006-“, prefixes are possible on both sales and purchases. Use the Next invoice number field to start from a number other than 1. If you have been issuing invoices for some time this will be required to continue from the invoice number you are currently up to.
By default Saasu checks the invoice number (for Sales) and purchase order number (for Purchases) you have entered and makes sure that you’re not using a duplicate number when you save the invoice. This is to stop you from accidentally entering the same invoice/purchase order twice, or from using an invoice/purchase order number that has already been used.
Accounts Lists
Saasu includes a large number of inbuilt Accounts that it uses to make entering transactions like payroll entries and invoices easier. This list is quite long and can make the Accounts list quite long, slowing down entering transactions.
When your file is first created the inbuilt Accounts are not included in the drop-down lists on transaction entry screens. If you do need to have these Accounts available, you can check the appropriate check-box to have them appear in these drop-down lists.
Inbuilt Accounts cannot be deleted. You can un check the check-boxes so that they will no longer appear in the drop-down lists on transaction entry screens.
Please note that if you choose to not display a group of inbuilt Accounts that you have used in previously entered transactions, the previously entered transactions will still keep the Account you have assigned, and be listed in any relevant reports using the chosen Account.
Choose whether you enter inventory items in Sales or Purchase by Item Code or by Item Description
This section provides links to take you to the setup screens for Payroll
File Identity
This screen allows you to change the details for your organisation. This information is used in various reports, emails and PDF files throughout Saasu, including Payslips, Invoices and Adjustment Notes and Payroll Remittances.
GST/VAT Tax Registration
If you are registered for a Consumption Tax, you should tick the ‘I am registered for tax’ check box and enter the date from which you were registered in the associated field. The date format is dd/mm/yy (Day/Month/Year).
Once you have set this information, Saasu will not allow you to enter a transaction with a tax code when the date that of the transaction is less than what you have specified here.
If you have never registered for tax, leave this check box un-checked.
If you un-check the ‘I am registered for tax’ when you have previously entered transactions with tax codes assigned, or you change the date to a value later than the date of first transaction you have entered with a tax code, a warning will appear to make sure this is what you wanted. You should only do this if you have previously registered for tax, but have since unregistered.
Change in tax status
If you have previously registered and since unregistered for tax, and you need to edit a transaction during the period that you were registered, you will need to temporarily tick the ‘I am registered for tax’ check box and enter a date into the associated field to enable you to save the transaction with the correct tax code. Once you have finished editing the transaction, be sure to un-check this option.
Add and manage multiple brands to use different logo & template combinations under the same file. Every file has one brand by default, which you can upload, delete and replace the logo. However, you cannot rename or delete the first brand.
To add another brand:
- Click Add
- Enter the name of your new brand
- Add your logo
- Optional: Tick the ‘Set as default’ checkbox if you want this to be your main/default theme
- Optional: Tick the ‘Use different address…’ checkbox to enter different contact details for this brand
- Click Save
To further customise your new brand, go to the Email, Templates, and Template Content tabs and select your new brand name from the dropdown list.
Tax Codes
The tax codes you see in your file will depend on the Business Location (also known as tax zone) you selected when you set up your file. For Australian based files the tax codes will either be based on Simpler BAS or Full BAS reporting. For Australian files created prior to 14 Nov 2017, you can access any custom tax codes created prior to this date, but unfortunately no new custom tax codes can be created.
This screen displays your specific User base API Key and your File ID. You use these when you need to connect Saasu to 3rd party applications. By default the webservices option is turned on.
To switch this service off or on again (only the file billing contact/subscription administrator can do this):
- Login to your Saasu file’s Dashboard area
- Click on the cog wheel (settings)
- Click on Manage Subscription
- Under ‘Files’, click on your file name
- Tick the box next to ‘Allow access to this File via web services’
- Save & Close
Developers can refer to Saasu’s API documentation for full details regarding using API keys. If you aren’t a developer or aren’t familiar with the use of API keys we don’t recommend using the API but instead rely on our Add-ons.
See online payments help
Add-on Connectors
See add-on connectors help